Retail Orders
It's easy to place an order!
Click on the PRODUCTS navigation tab at the top of the home screen. You'll see a drop down menu listing all of the items you can order.
Choose the Heartspun Quilts Patterns tab and/or the Heartspun Quilts Charms tab for all quilt pattern offerings.
Click on Notions to see all my favorite notions that I truly believe are worth their weight and really make a difference in how your piecing turns out.
Click on the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle tab to order all of the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle club pattern sets.
Click on the Pam's Fabric tab to see and order all available quilt kits, fabric bundles, and 10 inch precuts, all of collections I've designed for Marcus Fabrics!
Click on Heartspun Quilts Fabrics to buy my fabric as yardage.
Your order will be processed using PayPal. You do not have to have a PalPay account to order.
Please note that I try to process orders twice weekly. It may take 5-7 working days to process your order if I am out of the office on vacation, or traveling giving lectures/workshops. Your order is very important to me and I process them as soon as possible. You will receive an email from me when your order is shipping.
If you prefer, you can mail a check or money order to me at:
Heartspun Quilts
10150 Becket Court
Mokena, IL 60448
If ordering any product outside of the U.S., please email for postal rates to your country.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pam@heartspunquilts.com.
Wholesale Orders
Thank you for your interest in Heartspun Quilts patterns!
Pattern orders must be pre-paid by check or credit card and require a minimum of 3 per title / 12 total.
To place an order you can email me at pam@heartspunquilts.com. You can also call me at 708-478-8150. If leaving a message, please include the phone number where you can be reached, and the best time to reach you. I try to keep normal business hours Monday thru Friday and live in the Central/Standard time zone.
Fax me at: 708-478-5027
Prairie Women's Sewing Circle Club
Each 6 month club is called a Journey. Begin with Journey One. You will receive a Shop Owner's Guide which includes all of the information you need to understand how the club is set up, loads of ideas for how to run your club meetings, how to offer the club via the internet/mail order, merchandising suggestions, club do's and dont's, and meeting ambiance. A complete set of Lesson Plans are included in each Journey which guide you and your club leader through each Gathering meeting. A newsletter description, letter to mail order participants, technique handouts and loads more are included in the Shop Guide. The price for the Shop Owner's Guide is $75 for each Journey, and a requirement of 6 patterns with your first order.
Club Member pattern packets include all 6 monthly patterns and bonus patterns. Each Journey features one large quilt (lap/throw size) and 5 small quilts, all very do-able and affordable. For Journey One there are 2 bonus patterns, for Journey Two & Three there's 1 bonus pattern, and Journey Four has 2 bonus patterns. Email or call for pattern pricing. Additional orders are a minimum of 3 patterns but not increments of 3. That way you won't need to order more than you require for your club.